Jazz Flute

Music Bio

I selected flute as my first instrument in 4th grade and played in concert band up until high school. I recently picked up flute playing in graduate school in a new context: jazz! I am part of the small jazz ensemble at the University of California at Santa Cruz. We play in concert each quarter! Check out our shows below!

2023-12-10 Combos.mp4

UCSC Fall 2023 Concert

Combos: Solo in Little Sunflower

2023-06-10 1 COMBOS.mp4

UCSC Spring 2023 Concert

Combos: Solo on Blue Train

2023-03-11 19-35-07.mp4

UCSC Winter 2023 Concert

Combos: Solo on Blue Bossa


UCSC Winter 2023 Concert

Big Band: Featured in A Child is Born